5 Foods That Pack a Powerful Punch for Men’s Skin Health

Beauty From Within.

Last updated on: 02/05/2019 at 2:04 pm

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best food to eat for men's skin health


Is simply investing in the right skin care enough? Nope! You should be taking care of your skin from the inside, too! A healthy diet is essential to great skin, but there are certain foods that pack a powerful punch when it comes to men’s skin health. Want to know more? Read on to find out the five best foods for men’s skin health.



You eat well, and you eat clean. Isn’t that enough to keep your skin soft, clean and blemish-free?


Yes and no. A well-balanced diet is very helpful to maintaining skin health. And you’re definitely doing yourself a favor by staying away from processed, sugary foods.


But there’s more you can do. There are vitamins and minerals which are excellent for skin health. Before we look at the best foods for men’s skin health, let’s look at a few of these nutritional essentials.



After you read through this list of vitamins and minerals for your skin, you might be tempted to go grab a multivitamin or other supplement. You can do that, but why? You can get all the nutrients you need just by eating the right foods.


Do a little research on each of these nutrients. We’ve listed the best foods for skin health below, but there are plenty of healthy foods you can eat that contain these essential vitamins and minerals


Here they are.



Vitamin C has phenomenal antioxidant properties. That means it can rid your skin of free radicals when you use it externally. But it also has benefits when you consume it. Those benefits include protection from the sun, anti-inflammatory properties and a positive role in collagen synthesis.



Vitamin E is also an antioxidant. And it, too, helps to prevent against sun damage. But Vitamin E also has the added effect of moisturizing the skin from the inside out. The vitamin will prevent dryness, plump the skin and prevent the production of excess sebum. What does that mean? Fewer wrinkles and fewer blemishes.



Vitamin K is often confused with potassium, but they’re not the same thing. You’ll find Vitamin K in foods like kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts and soybeans, and it’s an awesome weapon against dark spots, spider veins and dark circles under your eyes.



The easiest way to get Vitamin D is to soak up some rays. But, as you know, the sun is damaging to your skin. It can also lead to skin cancer.


Thankfully, there are plenty of foods which contain Vitamin D. Eggs, cheese, milk, tuna and even fortified cereals contain plenty of Vitamin D, which helps to promote elasticity, eliminate acne and assist in collagen production.


Vitamin D will also even out your skin tone. You’ll begin to notice a reduced appearance in dark spots and dark circles under your eyes. In other words, your skin will look healthier because it is healthier.



You’ll find selenium in eggs, soybeans, brown rice and even chicken. And it’s great for your skin. Surprisingly, selenium has been shown to help reduce the risk of skin cancer. When you eat foods high in selenium, you’re less likely to become sunburned, and also less likely to develop cancers of the skin.



Do you like liver and onions? Liver is high in copper, another mineral essential to men’s skin health. Not a fan? That’s okay. You’ll also find copper in apricots, some nuts, dark chocolate and lentils. Copper is great for skin health, as it promotes the production of elastin. As a result, you’ll have fewer wrinkles and fine lines.



Beta-carotene is what gives carrots their orange color and peppers their red. When you eat foods containing beta-carotene, your body converts it to Vitamin A, which is an excellent vitamin for skin health. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant; it helps reverse the signs of aging and it actually helps to reduce harmful effects of sun exposure.



You can’t spend the whole day eating. (As much as you might like to.) Instead of trying to incorporate twenty vitamin-rich foods into your diet, why not try these five?


These foods are jam-packed with vitamins and nutrients which are essential to skin health, and they taste amazing, too! Want to try a few? Here are the five best foods for men’s skin health.



Pineapple isn’t a miracle food, but it comes close. It’s the only food scientists know of that contains an enzyme called bromelain. Now, pineapple contains some other great stuff, too. It’s got Vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, Vitamin B6 and more. All are great for men’s skin health.


But it’s bromelain that provides that powerful punch. Here’s what it does:


  • Helps to reduce inflammation
  • Assists in clearing acne, blemishes, and blackheads
  • Contains anti-oxidants which help fight sun damage and wrinkles
  • When used topically bromelain reduces the appearance of dark spots
  • It’s also a natural exfoliant. Bromelain breaks down the starches which bind dead skin to your living skin cells.



Fatty fish are high in omega 3s and 6s, which are great for men’s skincare. Choose from fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines, as they’ve got a low mercury content but are high in omega fatty acids.


What do omega fatty acids do? Well, first of all they’ll hydrate your skin without making you retain fluid. The oils are also effective in killing bacteria which cause acne and blemishes on your skin.


There are other benefits fatty fish provide, too! Eat salmon and other fish for:


  • A healthier heart
  • Smoother, shinier hair
  • A reduced risk of melanoma
  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Anti-inflammatory properties



Want to get a dose of fatty acids, but on a vegetarian diet? There’s an option for you! Avocado will provide almost the same benefits of fatty fish. Grab a bowl of guacamole and enjoy benefits like:


  • Antioxidant properties
  • Beta Carotene
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E


Of course, you’ll also find the essential fatty acids your skin needs in avocado, too. Eating an avocado is like applying moisturizer to your skin from the inside!




One of the best foods for men’s skin health is a good old sweet potato. Plus, they go great with fish!


Sweet potatoes are one of the highest foods in beta-carotene, but they’ve got other great nutrients, too. The tubers contain Vitamins A, C, D and E which are essential to men’s skin health.


The cool thing about sweet potatoes is that they’re great to eat – but you can use them externally, too. Create a “mash” of sweet potatoes and apply it to your face. You’ll see a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines, as well as brighter, softer skin.


When you boil your sweet potatoes, reserve the water. You can actually use it as a facial toner. Pretty neat, huh?




Not hungry? That’s okay. Between meals, you can grab a cup of green tea.


Green tea is high in chemicals called catechins. Catechins are antioxidants, which means they help rid your body of free radicals which cause premature aging. Catechins also help to protect your skin from sun damage. You’ll still need a sunscreen, but green tea can help!


Another benefit to green tea is that it’s got antibacterial properties. When you drink green tea, you’re reducing the chance that you’ll fall prey to nasty bacteria which cause acne and other skin conditions. So drink up!




Eating a well-balanced diet isn’t just great for your body. It’s great for your skin, too! Sure, you could take a multivitamin, but why not indulge in one of the five best foods for men’s health? Your skin will be clearer, softer and younger looking before you know it.


Published on: 08/16/2017 Last updated on: 02/05/2019

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