Exploring Biotin For Beards

Beard Growth At Its Best.

Last updated on: 01/23/2021 at 5:23 pm

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Best Biotin For Beards


What’s better than a soft, well-groomed, 10” beard? A soft, well-groomed, 12” beard, obviously. You’ve probably looked into products like Biotin for beards if you’re having problems with growing your own. The supplement has been used in the beauty industry for hair for years but has gained in popularity as something that will help with growing a beard faster and/or make it appear more thick and healthy. Some people swear by Biotin’s benefits, so let’s find out exactly what it is and how it may assist with your beard-growing goals.



Biotin is naturally produced in the body and aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins but also in the formation of fatty acids and blood sugar (glucose). The body produces enough biotin for healthy cell reproduction but it can also be ingested or used topically to boost those naturally occurring levels. Technically known as Vitamin B7 and sometimes referred to as Vitamin H or Coenzyme R, biotin can also be found in many foods: bananas, eggs, nuts, legumes, carrots, mushrooms, cauliflower, liver and sardines.



Now that we know what biotin is, let’s talk about how it’s going to help make your beard healthier and thicker! Biotin is a natural way to produce stronger and healthier hair, including your facial hair. Biotin helps to strengthen keratin in your body – a basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. The stronger the keratin in your body, the stronger your hair follicles will be and, in turn, the faster your hair will grow. With a stronger bond between the hair follicles and the hair, you’ll also experience less shedding. On the flip side, Biotin deficiencies cause the hair to thin because without the vitamin your body has difficulty growing hair (and this goes for all over your body). This is precisely why proponents of using the Vitamin claim that supplements or topical products that have Biotin can both thicken the hair and stimulate/normalize hair growth.



Like many products such as beard growing oil that have seemingly too-good-to-believe claims, Biotin does not have a lot of scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness. With that said, there is significant and noteworthy proof that Biotin can improve keratin infrastructure in your body. Biotin must be ingested in order to have a noticeable effect on keratin, but it’s a healthy and naturally-occurring vitamin so it doesn’t hurt to see if it works for you. Just don’t forget that biotin is not the only thing that effects the growth of your hair – hormones, genetics, and nutrition have big roles to play in just how luscious and quick-to-grow your beard is. Give it about 3+ months for any noticeable changes in your beard (patience is a virtue) and don’t hesitate to use biotin in combination with other vitamins that promote hair growth – in fact, we recommend it.



You can find biotin in many different products, both ingestible and topical. Biotin has been made into creams, serums, lotions, sprays, capsules, and supplements. While hair tonic lotions and sprays used on a regular basis can promote hair growth, it’s generally agreed that the most effective way to use biotin is to ingest it in the form of supplements.

Of course, there are those individuals that have difficulty or aren’t interested in taking supplements. For those of you that fit into this category, there are creams, serums, lotions and sprays that may help your beard appear fuller and healthier. These products infused with biotin are applied directly to your beard in order to nourish the hair follicles. When using topical products, be sure to focus the product on areas where the hair is thinner and massage the product in to stimulate blood flow.



 You should also be aware of the fact that there is no recommended dietary allowance for Biotin supplements. Experts generally suggest taking at-least 2.5 mg (2000–5000 mcg) of Biotin daily to maximize beard growth benefits.



When it comes to Biotin for beards – there are a lot of products on the market, and with that, comes the risk of an inferior purchase at an inflated price so we’ve gone ahead and selected the chosen few that we think are actually worth exploring.


nature's bounty biotin 5000 mcg

Nature’s Bounty Biotin 5000 MCG ($6.18)

As the most cost effective option on our list Nature’s Bounty Biotin is for those of you looking for the vitamin straight up.  The formula packs in 5000 mcg of Biotin to supercharge beard growth. Although don’t let the price fool you, the brand’s health supplements go through extensive quality control and their facilities have been audited by the United States Pharmacopeia as well as an independent dietary supplements assessment firm named STR (Specialized Technology Resources).



Sports Research Highest Potency BIotin

Sports Research Highest Potency Biotin with Coconut Oil ($18.95)

With 10,000 mcg, Sport’s Research Biotin supplement’s provides a mega dose of the Vitamin to your body to provide your body with powerful support for your beard growth goals.  Some of the best product benefits include that it is a non-GMO product that also doesn’t include gluten, preservatives, soy, artificial coloring, fillers or stearates. Best of all it comes with a 90-day guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with the results.



Hairfluence Natural Hair Growth Suppliment

Hairfluence Natural Hair Growth Support ($19.99)

Hairfluence’s supplement 5000mcg dose of Biotin is combined with other important vitamins to support healthier, thicker and faster hair growth. The formula also contains skin-beneficial ingredients like collagen and MSM. As an added benefit, Vitamins C, B12, A and D3 not only help your hair, nails, and skin but also aid in over-all healthy cell regeneration.



When ingesting Biotin supplements, it’s important to note that an overdose is possible. The side effects of an overdose from biotin include skin rashes, other vitamin deficiency, high blood sugar, digestive upset and kidney problems. Biotin can also cause breakouts in some individuals as a result of competition between Biotin and B5. Should you experience any adverse side effects from taking Biotin make sure to consult with a licensed medical practitioner. Before you freak out, a good tip is that since Biotin is water soluble, if have any side effects you can try increasing your water uptake.



If you’re looking at Biotin for beard growth it may be a good option.  Remember to do your research and pick your supplements carefully as the FDA doesn’t regulate supplements.   If it turns out that an oral supplement isn’t your thing there are a lot of topical treatments out there like beard oils or beard creams that are linked to healthy beard growth as well.

Published on: 07/04/2017 Last updated on: 01/23/2021

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